Volunteer Appreciation Day

From March 07, 2020 11:00 am until March 07, 2020 2:30 pm

At St Victor Parish Hall

Posted by Director

Hits: 844


Saturday, March 7th 10:30 – 2:30

St. Victors Parish Hall 3435 Everett Rd. Richfield OH  44286

GRIN Volunteers are the foundation of our organization. Join us to celebrate all of the hard work and energy of our volunteers and membership. Since we have no paid staff, without our volunteers, we would not be able to continue our mission of rescuing and rehoming all the beautiful Golden Retrievers!  There are so many involved in a large variety of positions within our organization.  We truly believe there is a role for all of our members and need your help to keep our organization going.

Last year, the Paw Pup Stores at the Appreciation Event were enormously successful.  We have a few tables open for this year at a cost of $25 per table if you or a friend have a business or hobby to highlight.  Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your questions.  This helps offset the cost of the event and provides our membership unique shopping opportunities.  Doors open at 10:30 with a short meeting at 11 AM and then onto some FUN!  We will be providing a hot pasta lunch and refreshments.  It’s a great way to meet some of your e-mail friends and those whose name you are familiar with but have never met in person.

We are seeking tax deductible sponsorships for the event. You can help defray our costs by becoming one of the following sponsors:


Meatball Sponsor: $100

Pasta Sponsor: $50

Salad Sponsor: $25

Desert Sponsor:               $25

Beverage Sponsor: $25

Condiment Sponsor: $10


Please visit our website and use the “Donate” button for your sponsorship and in the Note to Seller, list the sponsorship type. We are grateful for our wonderful members and your support. See you on the 9th! Have a question?  Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We welcome all members to join us.  Perhaps you’ve considered volunteering but are hesitant due to not knowing what you’d be good at or maybe a bit shy or uncomfortable being the new person on the committee or team.  Now is the time.  We will have stations set up for each of the committees and teams who keep our group strong.  Come chat with our members and you will be able to pick what position suits you best.  We all have a special talent and we can use yours.    You will find volunteering very rewarding and satisfying.  You will also know that you truly have made a difference in the life of a Golden…. And the family or person that adopts them.


Mark your calendars and join the fun.  You will not be disappointed and this will be the first step in your volunteer journey with GRIN.  You will find yourself coming to the various events we have with your Golden at your side and sharing your dog stories. No one will think any differently of you for being covered in Golden dog hair or sharing cute photos of your dog.  We will share your joy, your success and also your sorrows.  We are your GRIN family.

Please join us   Saturday, March 7th 10:30 – 2:30 at St. Victor’s Parish Hall.  It is easy access and centrally located near the I-77 & 271 interchange.  There is no charge but please RSVP so we can plan on seating and lunch by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.