GRIN tries to make every effort to keep this page current and up to date. Please keep in mind that by the time you submit an application and are going through the approval process, some of dogs pictured below may already be in the process of meeting and being adopted by other approved applicants.

The average ages of our rescued Goldens are 6-10 years of age, however GRIN does occasionally receive younger dogs that are in need of a home.  If you are interested in adopting a young dog, please do not wait until you see one on our website to apply for adoption.  Our approval process takes approximately 2-4 weeks to complete and by the time you have been approved for adoption, the younger dog will have already been placed into a loving home. Please start the application process now so that you can be on a waiting list for when GRIN does have younger dogs available.

On Hold! New Update & New Photos!
Gender: Male  Age:  5 months old

 My Special Sponsors:

Sandy Ellis
Laurie Scofinsky
Deborah Graham, in memory of Arnold
Jean Rivalsky
Barbara Nelson
Sheri Slater
Patty Jirousek
Stephen Brooks
Erin Neitzelt
Madison Pruitt
Becca Bartell
Kirby Williams
Rochelle Goldetsky
Deb Strickland
Linda Evers
Melissa Rangel
Cayli Wade
Scott & Nancy Case
Deanna & Roy Stang
Laurie Scofinsky
Heather Justus
Jean M. Rivalsky
Barbara Nelson
Richard & Sylvia Snyder


fenceNeeds to have a fenced environment and would benefit from obedience training. schoolbus

Hi there, I'm Gilbert! I'm just a puppy but I've got a heart full of love to share. I was relinquished as I need an extensive orthopedic jaw surgery to repair a prior injury. While awaiting that, my days are filled with exploring my surroundings, discovering new toys, and of course, napping. I'm a brave little guy, always ready for a new adventure. I love cuddling up close, giving sweet puppy kisses, and making my human friends smile. I'm told everyone who meets me, loves me!   Once I recoup from surgery, my dream is to find a forever home where I can grow, play, and shower my new family with love. If you're looking for a loyal friend who will bring joy and laughter to your life, I'm your guy! In the meantime, check back on my health updates and progress.

Foster Update: 4/4/24

Hi friends, Gilbert here to give you all an update! As some of you know, I just had jaw surgery! I had an amazing team that has helped me so far. I am back in my foster home with my 3 foster siblings. I am on 2 different medications to help my jaw heal, so I sleep most of the time. I am allowed to play with soft flat toys, so my foster mom/GRIN team has made sure there is plenty for me to choose from. I think my foster siblings were excited about the new toys too. I am doing pretty well with potty training as long as someone reminds me to “potty” while I am out there. I love to cuddle up right next to you or right on your lap. My foster dad told me that I snore louder than him though. I will give another update soon!

Love, Gilly



3-29-2024:  Just a quick update on Gilbert, he had his CT scan today to see if he is eligible for surgery, now we wait for results. Good news is that he did not have to get intubated via his trachea! We are extremely thankful for the amazing team of vets who took care of our guy today. He’s back at his foster home resting.


4-1-2024: Gilbert here with his celebration hat on because he has been cleared for surgery!

He’s actually headed to the vet as we speak & will have surgery today to correct his jaw fracture. His CT scan showed two old injuries; a fracture on/at his jaw bone and one at his mandible. Both of those should move independently of each other but they have healed and fused together as one which is what is preventing him from opening his mouth more than a couple of centimeters.

He will be spending the night at the vet to be monitored, please continue to send thoughts & prayers to this little guy, they are working!


4-2-2024:  This little guy is out of surgery and is recovering! His surgery went well, he will NOT have full normal range of motion but will be able to open his mouth 3-4 times more than previously. The surgeon removed the piece of bone that fused his jaw and mandible together and also removed his left side TMJ joint. So far a very positive report on Gilbert! He is spending the night at the hospital to make sure all is well 💚

Thank you to everyone who’s prayed, sent positive vibes and kept Gilbert in their hearts!


4-2-2024: Gilbert is back at his foster home!

While we know these photos are tough to look at we want to be transparent though this process and share with you what Gilbert's medical journey entails. His medical team did a fabulous job and we are so thankful for their skills & knowledge. After spending the night in the ICU he was cleared to go home today. He is on two pain medications and a sedative, he is rather swollen from his surgery and his foster will do warm compresses to help the swelling and also administer eye lubricant since he can not fully close him eye due to the swelling. Gilbert was extremely happy to see his foster mom and even showed her his new skills by grabbing her hand with his mouth 🥹

Gilbert did need to have a tracheostomy for this surgery but the vet shared that the site looks good and is already starting to heal. Gilbert is in great hands with his foster home and has the entire GRIN community rallying behind him. On April 19th Gilbert will have his first follow up appointment to see how he is healing. Gilbert's medical costs have exceeded $6,500 with more to come in follow up appointments and his neuter surgery down the road. We are so grateful for everyone who has donated towards Gilbert's care thus far, we will continue to fundraise for him and any leftover funds will be used to help the next pup in need.

📌Donations can be made on our website:

📌Via venmo @grinrescue

📌Directly here on the Facebook post.

Thank you all and continue sending those healing thoughts his way!

Foster Photo - post surgery 4-2-2024: 

Foster Photo - pre surgery 4-1-2024:

Intake Photo:


Common Questions and Answers

Unfortunately, we are limited to where we have volunteers to support our activities. GRIN’s adoption process includes a home visit, and we must remain in the area in which our home visit volunteers are willing to travel. For a Golden rescue in your area, please visit Golden Retriever Rescue Network.
Now that you have applied for a GRIN dog, we trust you like and understand the Golden Retriever and are knowledgeable about the breed’s needs. That being said, here are some reasons why we discourage approved applicants from “picking out” a dog…
Yes, we are always looking for foster homes. Foster homes provide our Goldens the great start they need on their way to new lives. These homes provide the love, care, training and confidence that will help a dog adjust to a new environment. Without foster homes we are limited in the number of Goldens we can take into our program. It is an extremely fulfilling opportunity and yes it is sad when they go but what joy it brings to know what a difference you made in that dog’s life.
If your application is over 18 months old we would ask that you complete a new application to ensure we have the most current information on file about you and your household.
GRIN does require a fence for all dogs under 6 years of age. This rule was implemented after a number of incidents that put the safety of our dogs at risk. Some dogs come to us as strays or frightened and can be a flight risk.
Before being adopted out GRIN provides all of the necessary medical care including vaccinations, spay/neuter, and treatment for various medical or behavioral issues. GRIN spends an average of $1,200 per dog.
GRIN is a 100% volunteer organization. We are all volunteers and have jobs, families and outside commitments. If you feel your application has gone too long without contact, please visit our contact information section to make outreach to the applications team.
For a complete list of common questions and answers click on any of the above questions