Donate with PayPal

To make a general donation to GRIN or sponsor a Golden please complete the form below and make a payment via PayPal using your credit card or PayPal account. To make a general donation to GRIN using Venmo, please click the following link: Donate using VenmoIf you prefer to send a check, please make it payable to GRIN and send to GRIN Treasurer, PO Box 24365, Cleveland, OH 44124


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If you are making this donation for a specific person, in rememberance of someone, or sponsoring a Golden, please note that information here.

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If this donation is in honor or memory of a person or pet would you like GRIN to send an acknowledgement letter?

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If yes, please provide name and address of the individual to receive the acknowledgement letter:

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Do you wish to keep your donation anonymous and not have it included on our donation page?.

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Please enter your donation amount below, do not enter symbols ($ or .) just the amount of the donation. The total donation value will change to reflect your donation amount.
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0.00 USD

Please note: When you click the "Continue to PayPal" button below, you will be directed to PayPal to complete your donation. Your donation is not complete until you finish the payment process with PayPal.

Thank you for your donation