GRIN tries to make every effort to keep this page current and up to date. Please keep in mind that by the time you submit an application and are going through the approval process, some of dogs pictured below may already be in the process of meeting and being adopted by other approved applicants.

The average ages of our rescued Goldens are 6-10 years of age, however GRIN does occasionally receive younger dogs that are in need of a home.  If you are interested in adopting a young dog, please do not wait until you see one on our website to apply for adoption.  Our approval process takes approximately 2-4 weeks to complete and by the time you have been approved for adoption, the younger dog will have already been placed into a loving home. Please start the application process now so that you can be on a waiting list for when GRIN does have younger dogs available.

New Arrival!
Available for adoption- Update & New Photos!
Gender: Female  Age:  8 months old

 My Special Sponsors:

Paul Kunder

fenceNeeds to have a fenced environment and would benefit from obedience training. schoolbus

Say hello to our pup, Pistachio. She is new to us but as an owner relinquishment, we know a great deal.This youngster is exuberant and very high energy. She's an overall good girl, but requires loads to exercise to burn that energy off! Training will be needed to reign in a few habits such as jumping. She needs to take her time to get to know other dogs. She is just a Golden who is independent--except when she wants your attention! Pistachio requires time and patience, like most all young dogs. With her adopter's guidance, this pretty girl will develop into a really nice companion! 


Foster Update: 1/20/25

Pistachio loves to play and go for walks. She will chase a ball in the backyard and her foster family is teaching her to catch a frisbee.  She has BOUNDLESS energy!   She plays ‘brain games’ in the house, such as food puzzles & ‘go find it’.  Pistachio likes to chase the resident cats but does not try to harm them.  She is very excited to greet people & will jump for attention.  Her foster family is working with her on off as well as other cues.  Pistachio will need ongoing positive reinforcement training & a family that can help her expend her energy. 

Foster Photo 12-24-2024:

pistachio24152 foster2

pistachio24152 foster3

Foster Photo 12-14-2024:

pistachio24152 foster1


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