Howl-O-Ween Registration Form

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To order your tickets: Enter the quantity of tickets in the "Tickets" field below then click on the up/down arrows and select your ticket type Adult or Canine then click on "Add Ticket". Perform this process for each ticket type needed.

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Credit Cards are accepted through PayPal, no account needed.
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I hereby agree and release Golden Retrievers in Need Rescue Service, Inc. and all other individuals or sponsors from any blame or liability, misadventure, harm, or inconvenience suffered in any of the activities associated with the event. I will be responsible for the conduct of my pet(s) and for keeping my pet leashed at all times. I hereby waive any claim for damages to my person, my family, my pet(s) or property. I declare that my pet(s) my family and I are physically able to participate in the Bark in the Park. If the participant is under the age of 18 years of age, I hereby indemnify and agree to hold harmless GRIN and all other individuals or sponsors from any claims made on behalf of said minor participant.
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